Jeremy Young — Amaro

1 min read

Canadian electroacoustic composer Jeremy Young has released a new album called “Amaro”. It could probably be associated with a special type of Italian herb-flavored liqueur. Besides that, Jeremy’s album is heavily flavored with many different ingredients. This work is not a pure solo record. Most of the tracks are basically collaborations with different people representing the Montreal music scene and contributing with a rather wide spectrum of instruments and sound sources: from violin, harp, voices and synths to a 16 mm camera, a projector, a bicycle wheel instrument, a platform of amplified objects and tiny pine cones. In addition to this set-up, Young uses oscillators, tape loops, found tapes, EMF signals and amplified objects. All of these components are very carefully mixed and edited. At the same time, the tracks, mostly based on fragments recorded during live performances or in the studio, are not overly produced or too deconstructed. The music of the album varies greatly within itself: sometimes it is melodic and melancholic, partly rhythmical and abstract, somewhere on the fringe of ambient, noise, musique concrete, spoken word. The sound in general is not too rough, but rather delicate and even pleasant. The digital album is also supplied by various vinyl and art prints, which makes this release an excellent item for collectors and fans of good experimental music.


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