Andrey Detochkin — New Horizons

1 min read

It is already the second time that the label of Achim Szepanski releases a work by a Russian-speaking musician. The first one was Leps Dubasov, and now it is an artist by the name of Andrey Detochkin. Having experience in the field of techno, he is renowned for his EPs, and now we get New Horizons, a full album by the musician.

The label Force.Inc used to shape the minds of people, defining the whole idea of what techno might sound like. The album New Horizons by Detochkin has the vibe of a nocturnal kind of music, recorded in the night mode. Possessing coarse qualities, the sound of the album can be characterized as none other than flexible and self-confident. It is rather pleasant to see how a whole constellation of musicians gets united in binding music with philosophical tendencies at the Szepanski’s label.

The 12-track-long album seems indivisible, it forms a whole jigsaw puzzle, while being (in a good way) a dried-out well-preserved long-lasting product of the music industry. New Horizons is a sound that defines the night views of a small town that might as well be an industrial one. The audio trajectory of the release remains unchanged: the artist steadily but surely shapes every one of his sonic steps, which allows us to be calm and not worry about the quality of the release.

New Horizons by Detochkin is an artificial mobile substance that was born out of the ruins of that old techno everyone has been sick of. Mille Plateaux in alliance with Force Inc. is a microculture where progressive and intellectual music is born. It exists outside of the bounds of time and it doesn’t slow down even when there are all possible obstacles in its way. Will it survive in the era of the sound industry oversaturation? That remains to be seen. But one thing is perfectly clear – uncovering new unknown names is a failproof strategy.


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