Chris Kaz — Unlearn

1 min read


Chris Kaz is a London-based multidisciplinary artist, recording expert, filmmaker and performer. He is also in charge of the label and artist collective Perth Records, a producer, a composer, an electronic musician. In the future, he is going to curate a festival and even be the director of his own school! All this tells us that Chris is a versatile and very well-rounded person.

The album he produced with creative support from Gaika, a well known musician, artist, writer and manager from South London, is a great selection of electronic songs, rather dark and melancholic, but groovy and soulful at the same time. On one hand, the album could be described as experimental, but on the other hand quite listenable and rather danceable. Distorted, semi-industrial trip-hop rhythms, low powerful basslines, noisy and atmospheric ambiences and beautiful psychedelic vocals (I have discovered pleasant female voices on some of the tracks). It is a cool cross-cultural combination of various elements that makes this album a unique and serious audio experience. Meditative and emotionally deep, modern and innovative, rhythmically hypnotizing, Unlearn is a highly artistic and solid album of the lockdown era.


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