My Tree — Where the Grace Is

1 min read

Time goes by and it might come as a fascinating paradox that in order to describe the current events we often resort to using the old ways and methods. The same can be said about Brooklyn group My Tree; their album Where the Grace Is contains a fusion base that gets fully disclosed in the composition Country Glory. Even though it is written in a major key, its primary message is about a very serious social matter. The composition gives the listener a fast-acting injection of enthusiasm in the shape of an obvious influence of Weather Report’s music.

Where the Grace Is has an abundance of colorful landscapes while moderately unobtrusively combining a wide range of moods. The release can be called a truly monumental work, every track is a link in the chain of the statement made by its creators.

Each of the 12 compositions of the album speaks to you in an appealing, pleasant tone, bringing back the whole warmth and sincerity of the 70s in the mind of the audience. The strategy chosen by My Tree – to preserve a coating of positivity in their art at all cost, cannot fail to bring you joy while building up your curiosity towards the contents of the album.

The group My Tree is a quality, eclectic-sounding project that is truly worthy of success in the harsh arena of the music industry.


My Tree

Author: Ilya Kudrin

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