Kazumichi Komatsu — Emboss Star

1 min read


Kazumichi Komatsu is a Japanese artist, previously known for his EP released on relatively small labels, mainly in digital format.

Emboss Star is the debut album by Komatsu, released on the flau label. You can hear an interlacing of different sound layers in this release – from the “floating” sound in the first track, reminiscent of Fourcolor to traditional guitar songs in Japanese and melancholic piano parts. Kazumichi Komatsu made his debut release more sample-based, combining things that are seemingly impossible to mix.

Emboss Star is definitely worth attention if you are not familiar with Susumu Yokota’s works. It favorably combines elements of ambient, electroacoustics, and pop, but this is more a sound experiment than an attempt to make a “signature sound” for a performer.



Author: Ilya Kudrin

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