Access to Arasaka — l a k e s

1 min read


Access To Arasaka is the brainchild of American artist Rob Lioy. The musician has long ago formed his sound, which can be described as a dark cyber glitch.

In the new album l a k e s Lioy moves away from the former ornate rhythms and retains only a deep, gloomy atmosphere. This doesn’t reduce the quality of the record at all, but rather allows a plausible portrayal of current realities through sound.

Massive, overloaded bass lines and ambient inclusions create a familiar atmosphere, incandescent and doomed. It would be interesting to know what motivated Lioy to move from macro to micro-glitch, so far it remains a mystery.

l a k e s is a cautious attempt of the artist to maneuver in the turbulent ocean of modern music without denying elements of his signature sound.


Author: Ilya Kudrin

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