Leandro Fresco & Rafael Anton Irisarri — La Equidistancia

2 mins read

Leandro Fresco and Rafael Anton Irisarri. Anyone who’s keen on Ambient music doesn’t need to be told about
those musicians. The former has his music released on 

the label Kompakt, where
his records often bring joy to 

his audience, and the latter is released on Room40 (founded by Lawrence English) second year in a row. 

To our astonishment, the
collaboration of those two musicians that live at a considerable distance from
each other resulted into a split called La Equidistancia that got released on
an American label A Strangely Isolated Place on only 150 vinyl disks in total.
The split turned out to be quite elevated and philosophical which is reflected
even in the titles of the tracks. This music can’t be understood, it must be
felt, breathing it in like air, clearing your soul and reaching for
enlightenment. This record itself has some unusual clarity that I have never
encountered before.

The record La Equidistancia begins with the track Cuando el Misterio es Demasiado Impresionante es Imposible Desobedecer. A very airy and
atmospheric ambient appears very slowly and the synthesizer turns around and
fades into the background, leaving a ghostly shadow. 

Bajo Un Ocaso Desteñido is a track that makes you feel all the power of the winds.
This track makes invokes the feeling of a bird flying somewhere among the
clouds at a very considerable height. This ambient is very smooth, gliding and

Lo Esencial es Invisible a los Ojos changes the general
structure around a little but overall makes the sound of the album much more
lively. While listening to it you might get the feeling of the sound of glass
rolling on 

the bottom of the oceanic depths and being crushed and turned into
sand by water. Immediately after it ends, 

the next track Las Palabras Son Fuente de Malentendidos lets us mentally travel to the desert of our own
solitude, utilizing all the power of our imagination. There’s no one around

This is a wonderful, sad and beautiful music, 

one of the most serious tracks
from the entire album.

Entre La Niebla is something
mysterious that we already could hear on the compilations Pop Ambient (Kompakt).
Here you can feel the beauty of the ambient structures of Leandro Fresco, you
can plunge into the world of dreams, this music is for the dreamers.

The album ends with the track. Un Horizonte en Llamas where the traditional sound of Leandro Fresco
and the sharp and sparkly guitar melody of Rafael Anton Irisarri are fused
together once and for all. At some point the time stops and the music touches
and hooks onto the strings of the heart and the soul, resulting in a epilogue
for the 40-minutes long trip. The two talented musicians definitely managed to
created something truly fascinating, surpassing the limits of their solo art.

El mundo no será igualporque el Misterio Es Demasiado Impresionante.

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